Mark and Carol- traveling fools

two retired (but not burntout) teachers, who want to do it now, since there are no promises tomorrow......

Thursday, May 15, 2014

traveling around the Amish country of PA.......

  beautiful countryside, farms and farmland.......
having to drive on the wrong side of the road....
"slowly pass with care"
the original pretzel house
dinner by the Susquehanna River in Harrisburg...
walking a natural preserve.........

***a visit to my alma mater

good old Millersville-
(Millersville Normal School, Millersville State Teachers College, Millersville State College, Millersville University)
This part is now the historical part of campus!!
Can anyone say "Rat Race"?? That was the second story of the building in the background and it was the student union!!
 the lake and bridge.........
 This used to be our library, now it's the Presidents office!! Quite impressive and historical... with original stained glass windows!!

dining together...........

always fun with family.........